Sunday 1 April 2012


Not a lot happened, today... the highlight of the day was that my mum hung up Sabella's mobile over her crib. It's Pooh Bear, and has Winnie, Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger. (So it matches her room!) But we had her in her crib and turned it on so it sang and spun, and boy did she ever love it! I'm not sure I've ever seen her enjoy something - especially in her crib - so much! She was smiling, cooing, and trying to grab it for like... an hour! When my mum finally took her out (because we were going to the store) she started screaming and crying, she wanted to be looking at it again! My poor little girl!

But she totally exhausted herself today, she refused to sleep except when we were driving around... she was so overtired, but still didn't want to sleep, but I eventually got her to fall asleep three or so hours ago... SO good, considering she was so overtired she just kept screaming and screaming! Always breaks my heart seeing my babygirl upset like that!

But that was about the extent of Sabella's day with me, so that's really all I have to write about!

Oh, but last night, she slept the longest she's ever slept before... almost 7 hours!! SO nice considering most of the nights lately she's only been sleeping for about twenty minutes at a time! Loved having some extra sleep!

Hope it's bright and sunny in the world tomorrow! (:

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