Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Post!

What an exciting Easter weekend me and Sabella had. (:

She got some clothes, books, and a teddy bear from the 'Easter Bunny'... I got some chocolate. Haha. She didn't really notice anything going on (except when my sister put bunny ears on her) but today she got to wear one of the new dresses she got! So cute!

But the main thing I want to write about today is... oh, how strange my little girl is! Well, not strange, it's cute though, how she does this thing that she gets her blanket's (but only four of the ones she has she does this to) up around her face so it's touching her cheek... She won't sleep anymore unless she has one of her four favorite blankets touching her cheek!
This is how she cuddles with her blankets!
It's so cute, but kinda strange. (She's even doing it as I type while she's snoozing away.) It's not even just while she's sleeping, she does it when she's awake too if she's doing anything but playing, and she fusses if the blanket isn't touching her cheek. She's also figured out how to, when she's asleep in her bed, get two of her blankets to touch one of each of her cheeks!

It kinda confuses me, but as long as it soothes her and makes her happy, that's all that I really care about! She's also been sleeping a lot better since she started doing it, which is so awesome for me, since she usually only sleeps for a few hours at a time - even at night - and since she started doing this blanket thing, she sleeps for six or seven hours at night! So nice to be able to finally sleep for more than just a few hours at a time!

We're going to visit her dad on Friday, which I'm looking forward to, since she really doesn't get to see him very much (this will be her fourth visit since she was born, and she's three months old tomorrow!) She even has some special outfits to wear! Both she got for Easter, but one says, "Daddy's little cutie" on it, and the other one says "Daddy's little island girl". So awesome, I can't wait for him to see them!

But that's all I really have to write about for now... especially since I need to go do some housework now...

Have a good night, readers. (:

Thursday 5 April 2012

What a Boring Life we Live

So... I had an issue with my birth control the other day that left me temporarily paralyzed on the right side of my body, so I haven't been able to hold Bella at all the past two days, so I really have nothing to blog about, since my parents have been babysitting her for me.

But here's a picture of my little angel that my mum took today.

Sabella Katrynaa, 12 weeks, 2 days

And that's about it, I suppose.

So I hope anyone reading has an awesome night. :)

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Today was a great day... really!

This morning I arranged to purchase a new camera, secondhand (since the one I had been using was a pile of turd) and went to pick it up this afternoon... love it! I was always told to have a great camera when you have a baby, and man is that ever true! So many things I want to capture in pictures and videos, and my old camera just made everything blurry, and couldn't take videos! So sad. But now my new one is great, and I can't wait to start snapping photos of my precious baby as she grows older! I've already taken a few today, but I've yet to upload them to my computer, so next time I make a blog post hopefully I'll post a picture or two of her. (:

What else... I opened my blogger account to see I had a large amount of views more than I did last time I was on... that was really nice to see... I didn't think anyone actually was ever going to look at this, but it makes me feel great even if people are just looking at it in passing!

Sabella's teething again, which isn't really so great... she'd stopped for about... four days maybe? But just started again tonight... my poor baby. It took hours to get her to fall asleep because she was so miserable she just kept crying, and it made her so overtired that she was just grumpy anyways! So now she's asleep in her swing, with her buckets of drool and her rosy cheeks. I'm just waiting for her to wake up for her next bottle, (very, very patiently, since I want her to sleep for awhile longer!) She's just all snuggled up in her favorite faux mink blanket that her Grandma gave her. So cute... hopefully she sleeps for long so she's not hurting when she wakes up!!

Her dad's being really awesome now, and he's offered to pay for her formula every month, which is awesome, since it's sooo expensive for me, especially since I'm trying to save up to go to college! Not sure if I've written about this already (I'm tired...) but I have to save up a ridiculous amount of money before September or so in order to be able to go, since my mum has no money saved for me, and my dad doesn't want to let me use the money he has saved since he has three other kids to help with college... even though two of them are 5 and under, and my 16 year old sister (who also has a baby) doesn't actually want to go to college. (Or so she said the last time I checked.) Kinda ridiculous, but oh well. Just gotta find a way (probably gonna end up being student loans) to save 13 thousand dollars before September so I can go take the aesthetics courses I want to take!! I really hope I'll be able to do it... I want it so bad!!

I went for two walks with Sabella today... it was really nice! She enjoys going out for walks, she loves to look around at everything. I need to be sure to take her out for walks, more. They make her so happy... (:

I think that's about all I wanted to write about today, though...
So I hope anyone reading has an awesome day. :D
LOTS OF LOVE from Sabella and I! (:

Sunday 1 April 2012


Not a lot happened, today... the highlight of the day was that my mum hung up Sabella's mobile over her crib. It's Pooh Bear, and has Winnie, Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger. (So it matches her room!) But we had her in her crib and turned it on so it sang and spun, and boy did she ever love it! I'm not sure I've ever seen her enjoy something - especially in her crib - so much! She was smiling, cooing, and trying to grab it for like... an hour! When my mum finally took her out (because we were going to the store) she started screaming and crying, she wanted to be looking at it again! My poor little girl!

But she totally exhausted herself today, she refused to sleep except when we were driving around... she was so overtired, but still didn't want to sleep, but I eventually got her to fall asleep three or so hours ago... SO good, considering she was so overtired she just kept screaming and screaming! Always breaks my heart seeing my babygirl upset like that!

But that was about the extent of Sabella's day with me, so that's really all I have to write about!

Oh, but last night, she slept the longest she's ever slept before... almost 7 hours!! SO nice considering most of the nights lately she's only been sleeping for about twenty minutes at a time! Loved having some extra sleep!

Hope it's bright and sunny in the world tomorrow! (: